Donnerstag, 22. März 2012


- if your ex wanted you back. would you take him back? Nö
- has anyone told you “forever and ever” then left? ja..
- your relationship status? seins (:
- have you ever lost a close friend? Ja
- do you smoke weed regularly? Nö
- think back to the beginning of 2011. are you still dating the same person? nope
- would you parents be mad if you were in a relationship? Denke nicht :D
- when was the last time you really laughed? 21.03.12 (:
- something is wrong. first guy you turn to? Alessandro
- something is wrong. first girl you turn to? Nadja
- is there anyone who doesn’t like you because of something you did? normal oder? :D
- angry at anyone? Jap
- when was the last time you cried really, really hard? 05.07.11, rest in peace ♥
- do you like red bull? nö, zu süß
- how many friends can you tell just about everything to? 4
- have you ever wished on a shooting star? Logisch
- does the last person you held hands with mean something to you? sehr viel sogar (:
- describe yourself in one word? behindert :D
- do you have anything that belongs to your ex? Nö
- ever cheated on someone? Nö, zumindest nicht so das der-/diejenige ernsthaft verletzt wurde
- what would you do if you found out the person you love(d) was in a relationship? joa, dumm ne :D
- do you act differently around the person you like? nö, er ist genauso behindert & das ist auch gut so (:
- is it hard to make you laugh? kommt drauf an, eigentlich nicht
- who was the last person to make you mad? Nadja
- do you think your last ex will eventually want to be with you again? Glaub nicht
- have you ever fallen asleep in someone’s arms? logisch
- would you like to put a night on repeat and live it forever? Mhm :)
- do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out? Ja
- are you happy with life right now? kann nicht klagen
- are you still in love with your ex? Nein? :'D
- have you ever broken someone’s heart? bestimmt ;D
- is there anybody you’re really disappointed in? ja
- where is your best friend? in Holland, auf Klassenfahrt -.-

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